Welcome to Mini Me’s
We are an established registered school holiday playcare provider for primary school children located in St Brelade’s Youth Project – Communicare. We also offer mobile crèche and play facilities for events, such as weddings and corporate events.

Our Holiday Club Facilities
We have the use of excellent facilities in the heart of St Brelade’s which has plenty of parking and a huge sports hall. The children are spoiled for choice with a wide array of sports equipment. We also have an outdoor enclosed courtyard, a huge creative area and kitchen. Our mirrored room is ideal for dressing up and discos. Not forgetting our quiet room to read a book or do a puzzle, plus computers, pool tables, air hockey, foosball table, and table tennis to name but a few, so there’s always something fun to do!
Booking & Payment
At Mini Me’s we do our very best to accommodate where we can, however booking in advance is strongly advised. Our numbers are small, so places are limited and given on a first come first served basis! Please see our ‘Parents Handbook’ for an overview of our Policies & Procedures, and a full account of our P&P’s can be accessed at club anytime. Please ask the onsite club manager who will be happy to show you.
For new children
- Parents, please read our ‘Parents Handbook’ & return the attached ‘Application Form’, with dates needed indicated on your form. By returning our application form, you are agreeing to our ‘Terms & Conditions’
- You will then receive confirmation from us that your form has been received and if the dates you require, are available.
- Please then complete and return our ‘Registration Form’ with your child’s essential information.
- Please also complete and return with payment, our ‘Annual Booking Form’
For our existing children
- Please complete our ‘Annual Booking Form’ and forward payment, by the dates indicated on the form.
- Please always inform us of any changes of address, or circumstances such as allergies, should they arise.
Payment options
We now have several payment methods, cash, cheque, or BACS transfer. We also now have an ‘Easy Payment Method’ which spreads the cost of your childcare, throughout the year. There are 61 days of school holidays per year, most of them through the summer holidays, hopefully spreading the cost with our ‘Standing Order’ method, really helps take the pressure off.
Easy payment methods can be set up to suit your needs, we can tailor a plan to spread out the cost of your childcare.
Please note
For ‘Easy Payment Methods’ there is a minimum booking of 30 days. Please return the ‘Standing Order Form’ and our ‘Annual Booking Form’ with the dates you need for the year*
There is a strict 10 day change policy on all bookings, only one change allowed on annual bookings and days may not be carried forward, into a new year*
School Dates
All the school terms dates and holidays can be viewed on the States of Jersey Website by clicking here
A typical day at Mini Me’s…
We have put together a quick guide for parents so you know what you will need, for the up and coming holidays. You will also be provided with this information when booking.
A day at Mini Me’s
8am – Morning starts, children are free to play. (Drop off no later than 9am please) Children’s planning will take place and we do not want anyone to miss out
9.30am – Morning snack (to be provided by you)
10.00am – Outing or planned activity
12 noon – we have our lunch out and about or in the club. (packed lunch to be provided by you)
Afternoon activity
2pm – small afternoon snack (provided by us)
From 3pm – school hours pick up time.
3.30pm – afternoon snack for our long day kiddies
From 5pm to 6pm– full day pick up time
What to Remember
We ask that the children come with a named water bottle, a packed lunch and a small morning snack. Each day we provide an afternoon snack. We will pop what the snack is on the white board every day.
Clothing – Children must be dressed comfortably, no clothing where they feel restricted and unable to get grubby in please. PLEASE always provide them with trainers, as no trainers means no play in the sports hall! It’s also a good idea to give them a quick change for mucky days and a jacket or rain mac too, thank you.
Drop offs & Pickups – Always sign your little one in – Please always try where you can, to let staff know if you wish to pick your child up earlier, should this cross over with an activity of ours, where we maybe out and about…we will let you know where we are and you can perhaps pick up from there. Our Club mobile is 07797908280, this will be with the duty manager at all times. Please also let us know if someone other than yourself is collecting. Pop that on the sign in book too if you can.
**Please no nuts or eggs in your children’s lunch boxes. We have some children with severe allergies and we do not want to make them poorly.**
Finally, at pick up times, your child may be engrossed in play. So, if you need them ready and waiting, please let a member of the team know and we will arrange this. We do give them a 5 – 10 min notice. But sometimes it’s really nice for you to see what they are doing and 9 times out of 10, they love to show you too!